Design and development of Wifi, BLE, ZigBee and LoraWAN control boards for the application of BOXIO to smart building and sustanaible living scenarios

Starting date
January 1, 2022
Duration (months)
Computer Science, Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
Managers or local contacts
Fummi Franco

EDALab has an IoT architecture (BOX-IO: which covers all hardware and software levels between the sensors and the cloud and which can be implemented on different hardware and software platforms. The BOX-IO embedded architecture configuration allows data to be processed locally with edge applications before sending them to the cloud or to carry out preprocessing useful for reducing the amount of data transmitted and guaranteeing real-time response requirements. In this way, a number of advantages are obtained relating to the data transmission speed, the system reaction time, the cost of transmitting and storing information, etc. Maintaining the state of the art of the BOX-IO architecture requires a continuous effort to update and verify the various innovation trends facing the market. The aim of this research contract is therefore to evaluate possible extensions of the BOX-IO architecture with the integration of multi-protocol and low energy consumption control boards.


EDALab s.r.l.
Funds: assigned and managed by the department

Project participants

Franco Fummi
Full Professor