RoSta: Robotic Standards

Data inizio
1 gennaio 2007
Durata (mesi) 
Informatica, Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione
Responsabili (o referenti locali)
Fiorini Paolo

The objective of RoSta is to proactively take the initiative on the definition of formal standards and the establishment of de facto standards in the field of robotics, especially service robotics. The project does not aim at a broad coverage of topics, which might lend them¬selves towards a standardisation. Rather we intend to take the initiative in the form¬ulation of standards in a very few, selected key topics which have the highest possible impact. These topics are at the core of robotics research and development, and therefore have the potential to form the root of a whole chain of standard defining activities going far beyond the specific activities of RoSta.
More specifically the technological objectives are to coordinate a set of actions initiating and preparing a set of standard defining activities on the following topics of advanced robotics:
1. Creation of a glossary/ontology for mobile manipulation and service robots
2. Specification of a reference architecture for mobile manipulation and service robots
3. Specification of a middleware for mobile manipulation and service robots
4. Formulation of benchmarks (of components, methods, middleware and architectures) for mobile manipulation and service robots

Each line of activity will result either in
• an action plan for a standard defining activity or
• an action plan and a recommendation/proposal to the European Commission for a supported activity (e.g. a open-source project with significant financial support in FP7) or
• an action plan for a community driven open-source activity with seed-money for example to run a project office or alike

To translate the above activities into a standard defining activity, a liaison with IEEE Standard has been established. Recommendations or action plans developed in the above activities will lead to the establishment of so called Study Groups, which then initiate an official standard defining activity.

Enti finanziatori:

Unione Europea
Finanziamento: assegnato e gestito dal Dipartimento
Programma: EUROPA - Progetti Europei

Partecipanti al progetto

Paolo Fiorini
Cultore della materia