Francesco Tessarolo

Immagine,  10 settembre 2024
Professore di altro ateneo
Settore disciplinare
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Short bio

Francesco Tessarolo graduated in Physics at the University of Trento, Italy in 2002, he got a Master's in Biomaterials in 2005 on “Sterilization techniques and modifications induced on biomaterials” and his PhD in Materials Engineering in March 2006.

Since 2004, he has been part of the research team of the Section of Electron Microscopy of the Department of Laboratory Medicine of the Health Trust of the Trento Province, Italy. 

From April 2006 to October 2009, he was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Biophysics and Biosignals Laboratory of the Department of Physics, University of Trento and from December 2009 to May 2013 at the Biotech Research Center in Biomedical Technologies of the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento.

He then moved to the Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento as a researcher of the Healthcare Research and Innovation Special Program (IRCS) from June 2013 to May 2019.

Currently, he is a researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento.


Main research interests:

  • Biomaterials and materials for medical applications
    • Failure analysis of implantable medical devices
    • Functional testing of critical medical devices
    • Hard tissue and soft tissue integration of biomaterials in humans
  • Microbial biofilm and medical device-related infections
    • Microbial biofilm
    • Bioreactors
    • Device-related infections
    • Microbiological diagnostic methods
  • Disinfection and Sterilization 
    • Cleaning and disinfection of medical devices
    • Sterilization-induced modification of biomedical materials
    • Steam sterilization
    • Validation and monitoring of medical device reprocessing
  • Information and communication technologies for the healthcare and wellbeing
    • Agile requirement elicitation 
    • User engagement in co-design process and usability testing
    • Technical testing (verification and validation) and clinical/field evaluation
  • Methods and tools for evaluating medical devices safety and efficacy
    • Design of clinical investigations and research studies involving human subjects
    • Ethics and GDPR for ICT in healthcare and wellbeing
    • Pre-commercial Procurement for the development and testing of innovative ICTs
  • High resolution microscopies for materials and biologic specimens
    • High vacuum, Low vacuum, and Environmental Scanning electron microscopies
    • Confocal laser scanning microscopy
    • Non-linear optical imaging techniques
    • X rays microanalysis


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  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.