Gian Luca Salvagno

Foto,  April 20, 2020
Full Professor
Biomedicina di Innovazione
Academic sector
BIOS-09/A - Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology
Research sector (ERC-2024)
PE5_11 - Biological chemistry and chemical biology

Research sector (ERC)
PE5_11 - Biological chemistry

Policlinico G.B. Rossi lotto II,  Floor Rialzato,  Room 80.R9
045 8124308-0456449264
gianluca|salvagno*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Personal web page

Office Hours

Martedi dalle ore 13 alle ore 15. (previo appuntamento tramite e-mail).


Il Prof. Gian Luca Salvagno è nato a Verona nel 1977. Ha conseguito la laurea in Medicina nel 2002 e la specializzazione in Biochimica Clinica e Medicina di Laboratorio nel 2007. Attualmente è Professore Ordinario di Biochimica Clinica e Biologia Molecolare Clinica presso l’Università degli Studi di Verona e dal 1 Luglio 2020 è Responsabile del Laboratorio Analisi dell'Ospedale Pederzoli ( Peschiera del Garda, VR), struttura convenzionata con Università di Verona. Ha pubblicato 420 articoli in riviste scientifiche internazionali e nazionali. Ha partecipato a più di 130 congressi nazionali ed internazionali e ha tenuto 80 conferenze a riunioni nazionali ed internazionali. L’attività di ricerca, che si integra con l’attività clinico-assistenziale, riguarda prevalentemente la variabilità pre-analitica, lo sviluppo e la validazione di metodi analitici in biochimica clinica, cromatografia liquida, spettrometria di massa, immunometria e lo studio di nuovi marcatori biochimici e molecolari per la diagnosi ed il monitoraggio di patologie neoplastiche, cardiovascolari ed emostatiche.


Modules running in the period selected: 274.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2024/2025)   1  eLearning
Master's degree in Health Professions of Technical Sciences Health sciences and techniques 2 (2024/2025)   10    COMUNICAZIONE E MANAGEMENT DELLE TECNICHE DI LABORATORIO
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2024/2025)   11    1.5  TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING E DECISION MAKING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Problem solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2024/2025)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2024/2025)   5  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno]
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2024/2025)   7  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Trento) (Interuniversity) Medical Laboratory Science (2024/2025)   9  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2024/2025)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2024/2025)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1  eLearning 0.5  (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1   
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015) Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica 1 Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2023/2024)   1  eLearning 0.5  (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2023/2024)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2023/2024)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2023/2024)   30  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 3)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2023/2024)   1  eLearning
Master's degree in Health Professions of Technical Sciences Health sciences and techniques 2 (2023/2024)   10  eLearning COMUNICAZIONE E MANAGEMENT DELLE TECNICHE DI LABORATORIO
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2023/2024)   11  eLearning 1.5  DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2023/2024)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2023/2024)   5  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno]
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2023/2024)   7  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2023/2024)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1  eLearning 0.5  (SALVAGNO)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica 1 Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica e biolo mol Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1   
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015) Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2022/2023)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2022/2023)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2022/2023)   30  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 3)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2022/2023)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2022/2023)   11  eLearning 1.5  DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2022/2023)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2022/2023)   5  eLearning BIOCHIMICA CLINICA - MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2022/2023)   7  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2022/2023)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1  eLearning 0.5  (SALVAGNO)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica 1 Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica e biolo mol Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1   
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015) Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2021/2022)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2021/2022)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2021/2022)   1  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2021/2022)   30  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 3)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2021/2022)   11  eLearning 1.5  DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2021/2022)   5  eLearning BIOCHIMICA CLINICA - MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2021/2022)   7  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2021/2022)   4  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2021/2022)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1   
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015) Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica e biolo mol Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1  eLearning 0.5  (biochimica clinica 1 Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2020/2021)   1  eLearning 0.5  (SALVAGNO)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2020/2021)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2020/2021)   30  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 3)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2020/2021)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2020/2021)   11  eLearning 1.5  DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Decision Making)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2020/2021)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2020/2021)   5  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno]
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2020/2021)   7  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2020/2021)   4  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2020/2021)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1  eLearning 0.5  (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica Salvagno Gian Luca)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1   
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015) Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1  eLearning
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1  eLearning 0.5  (SALVAGNO)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 1)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2019/2020)   1  eLearning 0.5  (Biochimica linica e biologia molecolare clinica Salvagno Gianluca)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2019/2020)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 2)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2019/2020)   30  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (SALVAGNO 3)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2019/2020)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2019/2020)   11  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Decision Making)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2019/2020)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2019/2020)   5  eLearning BIOCHIMICA CLINICA - MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2019/2020)   5  eLearning TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2019/2020)   4  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2019/2020)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015) Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1    0.5  (Biochimica linica e biologia molecolare clinica Salvagno Gianluca)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1    0.5  (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica Salvagno Gian Luca)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1    0.5  (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica - Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica - Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2018/2019)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2018/2019)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica 2 - Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2018/2019)   30  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica 3 - Salvagno)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2018/2019)   11  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2018/2019)   5  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno]
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2018/2019)   5  eLearning TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2018/2019)   4  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2018/2019)   6   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2018/2019)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2017/2018)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2017/2018)   28    DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica - Salvagno)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2017/2018)   32  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE (Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica - Salvagno)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2017/2018)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2017/2018)   10    DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2017/2018)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2017/2018)   5  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno]
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2017/2018)   5  eLearning TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2017/2018)   14  eLearning MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2017/2018)   4  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2017/2018)   6   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2017/2018)   22  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2016/2017)   28  eLearning DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2016/2017)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2016/2017)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2016/2017)   10  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2016/2017)   1  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Laboratory Medicine (2016/2017)   5  eLearning DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno]
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2016/2017)   5  eLearning TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2016/2017)   14  eLearning MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2016/2017)   4  eLearning VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Master's degree in Medical Bioinformatics Processi informativi e sistemi integrati per la Medicina di Laboratorio (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2016/2017)   23  eLearning 0.5  DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno - Prof. Salvia] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2015/2016)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2015/2016)   6    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2015/2016)   14    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI SEMEIOTICA, DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno] (Didattica pratica di Medicina di Laboratorio)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2015/2016)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2015/2016)   10    DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo 9] (Tutorial Problem Solving)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2015/2016)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2015/2016)   5    TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2015/2016)   14    MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2015/2016)   4    VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2015/2016)   23    0.5  DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Prof. Salvagno - Dott. Rungatscher] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2014/2015)   5    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2014/2015)   6    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Master's degree in Sport Science and Physical Performance Clinical biochemistry applied to sport activity (2014/2015)   3   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2014/2015)   14    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI SEMEIOTICA, DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno] (Didattica pratica di Medicina di Laboratorio)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2014/2015)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2014/2015)   10    DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo 1]
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2014/2015)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2014/2015)   5    TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2014/2015)   14    MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Methodologies for an evidence-based professional practice (2014/2015)   4    VALUTAZIONE E CONTROLLO DELLA QUALITA' DEI SERVIZI DIAGNOSTICI
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2014/2015)   23    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica (discipline elettive) (2014/2015)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2013/2014)   1    0.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2013/2014)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2013/2014)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Gastroenterology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2013/2014)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2013/2014)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2013/2014)   5    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2013/2014)   6    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Master's degree in Sport Science and Physical Performance Clinical biochemistry applied to sport activity (2013/2014)   3   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2013/2014)   14    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI SEMEIOTICA, DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno] (Didattica pratica di Medicina di Laboratorio)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2013/2014)   1   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Internal Medicine (2013/2014)   10    DIDATTICA PRATICA MEDICINA DI FAMIGLIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM SOLVING [Gruppo Tutorial Dr. Bertoldo - Salvagno - Fava]
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2013/2014)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2013/2014)   5    TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2013/2014)   14    ATTIVITA' PRATICA IN MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Postgraduate Specialisation in Occupational Medicine Medicine and laboratory technical sciences (2013/2014)   2   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2013/2014)   23    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Scienze tecniche di medicina di laboratorio (2013/2014)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Gastroenterology Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2012/2013)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Emergency and Urgent Medicine Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2012/2013)   1    0.25 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2012/2013)   1    0.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 (2012/2013)   5    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 3 (2012/2013)   6    DIDATTICA FRONTALE
Master's degree in Sport Science and Physical Performance Clinical biochemistry applied to sport activity (2012/2013)   3   
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2012/2013)   14    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI SEMEIOTICA, DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno] (Didattica pratica di Medicina di Laboratorio)
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2012/2013)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Internal Medicine (2012/2013)   11    TUTORIAL (PBS E DECISION MAKING) [Gruppo Dott. Fenzi - Dott. Salvagno]
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2012/2013)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2012/2013)   5    TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2012/2013)   14    ATTIVITA' PRATICA IN MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery Systematic pathology I (2012/2013)   23    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI EMATOLOGIA, GASTROENTEROLOGIA, MALATTIE INFETTIVE, REUMATOLOGIA, DERMATOLOGIA E TUTORIAL PROBLEM BASED LEARNING [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno] (Tutorial PBL)
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Scienze tecniche di medicina di laboratorio (2012/2013)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (2011/2012)   1    0.5 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2011/2012)   17    DIDATTICA PRATICA DI MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno]
TUTORIAL PBL [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno]
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2011/2012)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Internal Medicine (2011/2012)   11    TUTORIAL (PBS E DECISION MAKING) [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno]
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2011/2012)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2011/2012)   5    TECNOLOGIE STRUMENTALI AUTOMATIZZATE
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics Medical sciences 1st (2011/2012)   14    MEDICINA DI LABORATORIO
Postgraduate Specialisation in Gastroenterology Biochimica clinica (2011/2012)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Biochimica clinica e biologia (3° ANNO-Didattica frontale) (2011/2012)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Biochimica clinica e biologia (Didattica Frontale) (2011/2012)   1    0.5 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Patologia Clinica (2011/2012)   10    10 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tecniche di base di Laboratorio biomedico (2011/2012)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2010/2011)   17    BIOCHIMICA CLINICA: LEZIONI
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2010/2011)   1   
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Internal Medicine (2010/2011)   11    TUTORIAL (PBS E DECISION MAKING) [GRUPPO 3]
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2010/2011)   1   
Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona) Medical Laboratory Science (2010/2011)   5    BIOCHIMICA CLINICA
Postgraduate Specialisation in Gastroenterology Biochimica clinica (2010/2011)   1   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Biochimica clinica e biologia (3° ANNO-Didattica frontale) (2010/2011)   2   
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Biochimica clinica e biologia (Didattica Frontale) (2010/2011)   1    0.5 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Patologia Clinica (2010/2011)   10    10 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tecniche di base di Laboratorio biomedico (2010/2011)   1   
Specialist Undergraduate Degree in the Science and Techniques of Sports Activities Biomedical control of training and sports performance (2009/2010)   16    BIOCHIMICA CLINICA E BIOLOGIA MOLECOLARE CLINICA
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) Clinical biochemistry, laboratory methodology and organisation (2009/2010)   8    BIOCHIMICA CLINICA
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2009/2010)   17    0.5  BIOCHIMICA CLINICA: LEZIONI
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Diagnosis of Disease based on the laboratory analysis: from theory to practice (2009/2010)   1.5    1.5 
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Internal Medicine (2009/2010)   11    TUTORIAL (PBS E DECISION MAKING) [Gruppo Dott. Salvagno]
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2009/2010)   1.5    1.5 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy Biochimica clinica e biologia (Didattica Frontale) (2009/2010)   1    0.5 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Patologia clinica (III anno) (2009/2010)   10    10 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Patologia clinica (V anno) (2009/2010)   10    10 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tecniche di base di Laboratorio biomedico (2009/2010)   1   
Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (Verona) Clinical biochemistry, laboratory methodology and organisation (2008/2009)   8    Biochimica clinica
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Clinical Methodology and Laboratory Medicine (2008/2009)   17    0.25  Biochimica clinica: lezioni
0.5  Didattica pratica di Medicina di laboratorio
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Internal Medicine (2008/2009)   11    Tutorial (PBS e Decision Making)
Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle) Interpretation of laboratory data: from theory to practice (2008/2009)   1.5    1.5 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Biologia clinica e biologia molecolare clinica (2008/2009)   10    10 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Patologia clinica (III anno) (2008/2009)   10    10 
School of Specialisation in Clinical Biochemistry Patologia clinica (V anno) (2008/2009)   10    10 
Postgraduate Specialisation in Legal Medicine Tecniche di base di Laboratorio biomedico (2008/2009)   1   

News for students

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Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Clinical biochemistry applied to tumor biomarkers. Medicina diagnostica di precisione e personalizzata
Medicina diagnostica di precisione e personalizzata
Clinical molecular biology. This topic includes the use of molecular biology techniques in the clinical context. Medicina diagnostica di precisione e personalizzata
Medicina diagnostica di precisione e personalizzata
Title Starting date
Correlation between GDF-15 and hemostasis in healthy volunteers 10/1/16
PRIN 2008_ Sviluppo di nuovi biomarcatori per lo studio delle glicazioni proteiche 3/22/10


Gian Luca Salvagno
Office Collegial Body
member Faculty Board of PhD in Applied Life and Health Sciences - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Council for the Degree Course in Medicine and Surgery - Medicine and Surgery
Council for the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques - Medicine and Surgery
member Computer Science Teaching Committee - Department Computer Science
Consiglio del Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Scienze e Tecniche dello Sport (dismesso)
Consiglio del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione
Presidente del Collegio Didattico Consiglio della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica - Medicine and Surgery
Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Ematologia - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Geriatria - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina del Lavoro - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Consiglio della Scuola di specializzazione in Medicina d'emergenza-urgenza - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina Interna - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Neurochirurgia - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Patologia Clinica e Biochimica Clinica - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio della Scuola di Specializzazione in Reumatologia - Medicine and Surgery
member Consiglio di Dipartimento Ingegneria per la Medicina di Innovazione - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
researcher representative Giunta del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione
componente (in composizione ristretta) I Fascia - Consiglio di Dipartimento Ingegneria per la Medicina di Innovazione - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine