
Gene expression analysis in osteoblastic differentiation from peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells  (2008)

Valenti, Maria Teresa; DALLE CARBONARE, Luca Giuseppe; Donatelli, Luca; Bertoldo, Francesco; Zanatta, Mirko; LO CASCIO, Vincenzo
Gene expression analysis in osteoblastic differentiation from peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells
Type of item:
Articolo in Rivista
Tipologia ANVUR:
Articolo su rivista
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N° Volume:
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Page numbers:
CFU-F; Differentiation; Gene expression analysis; Mesenchymal stem cells; Osteoblast;
Short description of contents:
MSCs are known to have an extensive proliferative potential and ability to differentiate in various cell types. Osteoblastic differentiation from mesenchymal progenitor cells is an important step of bone formation, though the pattern of gene expression during differentiation is not yet well understood. Here, to investigate the possibility to obtain a model for in vitro bone differentiation using mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) from human subjects non-invasively, we developed a method to obtain hMSCs-like cells from peripheral blood by a two step method that included an enrichment of mononuclear cells followed by depletion of unwanted cells. Using these cells, we analyzed the expression of transcription factor genes (runt-related transcription factor 2 (RUNX2) and osterix (SP7)) and bone related genes (osteopontin (SPP1), osteonectin (SPARC) and collagen, type I, alpha 1 (COLIA1)) during osteoblastic differentiation. Our results demonstrated that hMSCs can be obtained from peripheral blood and that they are able to generate CFU-F and to differentiate in osteoblast and adipocyte; in this study, we also identified a possible gene expression timing during osteoblastic differentiation that provided a powerful tool to study bone physiology.
Product ID:
Handle IRIS:
Deposited On:
February 29, 2012
Last Modified:
December 1, 2023
Bibliographic citation:
Valenti, Maria Teresa; DALLE CARBONARE, Luca Giuseppe; Donatelli, Luca; Bertoldo, Francesco; Zanatta, Mirko; LO CASCIO, Vincenzo, Gene expression analysis in osteoblastic differentiation from peripheral blood mesenchymal stem cells «Bone» , vol. 43 , n. 62008pp. 1084-1092

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