AuTOMatic verifICation tool for embedded software (ATOMIC)

Starting date
May 5, 2010
Duration (months)
Computer Science, Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
Managers or local contacts
Fummi Franco

The ATOMIC project aims at investigating and defining novel techniques for verification of embedded software in the context of command and control systems. Proposed techniques will be integrated in a tool for the automatic verification of embedded software. The ATOMIC verification tool will allow locating, identifying and correcting embedded software defects in the early stage of the development cycle, providing main benefits and advantages in terms of cost and final quality. The proposed tool will integrate three main approaches of verification: one based on automatically generated test cases and fault injection techniques in a simulated environment; the 2nd based on logical property evaluation; the other based on assertion-based verification of functional and non-functional properties of embedded SW. Based on the sector of the specific
embedded SW application and following a decisional logic flow, the ATOMIC tool will be applied, in order to test the embedded SW from the functional and timing (confirming product performance as early as possible allow time for redesign) points of view. The final verification tool will be used either as a stand-alone tool, or integrated with proprietary existing Rapid Application Development (RAD) environments.

The ATOMIC project aims at improving the effectiveness of verification phase in the embedded SW production, through the development of automatic procedures.
From the SME proposers’ point of view, the ATOMIC project will provide concrete answers to their specific needs of increasing their competitiveness in the embedded systems market, through the acquisition of new know-how on verification process, the commercialization and the usage of an innovative tool in the embedded applications development lifecycle. Moreover, through the project results, new market opportunities can be opened for the SMEs proposers, such as the possibility to service other SME in the verification and validation of their embedded SW.


Funds: requested
Syllabus: EUROPA - Progetti Europei

Project participants

Nicola Bombieri
Full Professor
Franco Fummi
Full Professor
Graziano Pravadelli
Full Professor