Research groups

Pediatric adolescent fertility lab

The fertility potential could be alterated by differents aspects that sometimes are not well studied; many surgical diseases and also medical diseases are associated with a lower fertility potential; recently the association between obesity and andormal fertility is studied by different groups in adulthood. Our Group is the first that with a multidisciplinary team with different experts in different fields (varicocele, cryptorchidism, hypospdias, penile malformations, obesity and trauma)that try to offer to the pediatric patients the best approach to preserve the fertility potential. All aspects, diagnostic, and operative aspects are studied; recently with surgery 2.0 our goal was to study also other aspects of surgery that could affect the fertility potential such as the ergonomy during surgery and the risk managemnt to avoid complications (such as the study of pneumoperitoneum and the basculation during varicocelectomy to avoid recurrences)
Contact people
Nicola Zampieri

Nicola Zampieri
Associate Professor
Ilaria Dando
Associate Professor (Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences)
Rossella Gaudino
Assistant Professor (Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology)
External components
Costanza Bruno
Azienda ospedaliera universitaria Integrata di Verona
Alberto Ferlin
Università degli studi di Padova
Andrea Garolla
Università degli Studi di Padova
Roberto Castellani
Ospedale Pederzoli
Carlo Foresta
Univesità degli studi di Padova
Davide Marini
Sickkids University Hospital Toronto, Department of Pediatric Cardiology
Topic Research area
Adolescentology Pediatrics
Pediatric Andrology Chirurgia robotica e di precisione
Chirurgia robotica e di precisione
Biochimica delle patologie neoplastiche e andrologiche Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chirurgia Mini-invasiva Surgery
chirurgia ricostruttiva in ambito andrologico-pediatrico e preservazione della fertilità Medicina rigenerativa funzionale e personalizzata
Medicina rigenerativa funzionale e personalizzata
chirurgia ricostruttiva nelle malformazioni complesse pediatriche Chirurgia robotica e di precisione
Chirurgia robotica e di precisione
Male Fertility Chirurgia robotica e di precisione
Chirurgia robotica e di precisione