Robotic systems and automation

Andrea Calanca
Associate Professor
Diego Dall'Alba
Scholarship holder
Roberto Di Marco
Temporary Assistant Professor
Paolo Fiorini
Research Assistants
Bogdan Mihai Maris
Laboratory technician
Riccardo Muradore
Associate Professor
Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo
External collaborator
Francesco Visentin
Temporary Assistant Professor
Research interests
Topic People Description
Sistemi robotici e automazione
Industrial Engineering, Industrial Plants, and Sustainable Industry Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo
Industrial Engineering is an engineering branch focused on studying and transforming the idea in a real prototype and industrial product. At University of Verona we are trying to study new sustainable industrial solutions and industrial prototypes. Our objective aims at conceiving a new methodological approach for solving industrial problems. Some components of an industrial plant and their interaction are analysed (e.g., industrial robots, exoskeletons for industry, robots with wheels/legs for industrial and agri-food plants, parallel platforms, mechanisms with cables). An interaction with the Altair robotic lab and ICE lab at University of Verona is pursued, studying industrial components in the industry: industrial robots, actuators, grippers, conveyors, mechatronic systems, surgical robots.
Sustainable Embodied Mechanical Intelligence Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo
The main objective of this research sector is to study the embodied behavior of mechanical components and to use their mechanical intelligence to conceive new sustainable devices in simbiosis with the real world. We use the term "embodied mechanical intelligence" to underline the embodied capability of the mechanical component to respond to an external physical input. At University of Verona we are conceiving new sustainable embodied mechanical systems for many different applications.
Mechanics of Machines Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo
Mechanics of Machines is a big research sector with the main focus on study, design, and control the mechanical behavior of components, mechanisms, and machines. kinematics, statics, and physical interaction of components in industrial systems and real contexts are studied in the research sector. Dynamics of machinery are analysed in order to reduce disturbances, vibrations, and optimize the mechanical behavior of machines. In following, some steps performed to design and develop innovative machines: theoretical modelling; conceptual, functional and sustainable design of machines; simulation; prototyping; implementation; experimentation; industrialization; automation; maintenance and monitoring. In following, keywords included in the research sector: Mechanical Engineering; Bio-Mechanical Engineering; Computational Kinematics; Dynamics of Rotating Machines; Engines and Powertrains; Gearing and Transmissions; Linkages and Mechanical Controls; Micromachines; Multibody Dynamics; Robotics and Mechatronics; Sustainable Energy Systems; Transportation Machinery; Tribology; Vibrations. At the University of Verona we are studying: variable stiffness mechanisms and machines; compliant actuators; force/torque sensors; cable-driven mechanisms; robotic surgery; minimally invasive robotic surgery; micromechanics; multibody dynamics; micro electro-mechanical systems, innovative surgical robotic tools with sensing elements.
AI, Robotics & Automatic Control Andrea Calanca
Diego Dall'Alba
Roberto Di Marco
Paolo Fiorini
Bogdan Mihai Maris
Riccardo Muradore
Giovanni Gerardo Muscolo
Francesco Visentin
Robotics is concerned with the development of systems that make the intelligent connection between perception and action. For this reason, robotics is strongly interdisciplinary, including mechanical and electronic design, computation and data fusion algorithms, machine learning and reasoning, and motion control and environment interaction methods. In the last years, robotics systems have matured in terms of safety and reliability and they can now work in delicate environments and in direct contact with people. In case of demanding cognitive tasks, robots are usually supported by a human operator, in a teleoperation mode. A well established example of teleoperation system is a surgical robot, in which a surgeon directly moves the robotic tools to carry out the intervention. A new research direction is the addition of autonomous functions to the robotic systems. To reach this goal, we need to improve the perceptual and cognitive capabilities of the robots, to interact safely with a complex real environment. Some of the research topics addressed at the University of Verona include: control and system theory, modeling and analysis of human perception, coordination of multiple-robot systems, distributed sensing and control algorithms, teleoperation algorithms, and analysis of the physical interaction of humans and robots.
Gruppi di ricerca
Name Description URL
ForME - Metodi Formali per la Progettazione di Sistemi Ingegneristici Obiettivo del gruppo di ricerca è applicare metodi formali alla modellazione, verifica e sintesi di sistemi ingegneristici. I domini spaziano dai sistemi temporizzati per andare fino ai sistemi ciberfisici non lineari.
Information Extraction for Robotic Surgery Il gruppo si occupa di ricercare e sviluppare tecniche per l'estrazione di informazione da manuali e contenuti testuali nell'ambito della chirurgia robotica. Coinvolge l'Università di Verona (con tre dipartimenti: Ingegneria per la medicina di innovazione, Informatica, e Lingue e Letterature Straniere) e Universität Mannheim (Germania).
NeST Progettazione e verifica delle tecnologie di comunicazione in grado di portare efficienza e sostenibilità in applicazioni chiave come industria, agricoltura, domotica, trasporti e gestione del territorio.
PARCO – Parallel Computing Obiettivo del gruppo di ricerca è lo sviluppo e ottimizzazione di Software per sistemi di calcolo multi-core CPU/many-core GPU con vincoli di risorse (e.g., Edge Computing) e per sistemi di calcolo ad alte prestazioni (High-performance Computing – HPC).
Robotica, Intelligenza Artificiale e Controllo Il gruppo di ricerca si occupa di robotica non convenzionale
Sistemi robotici e automazione