The activities of the ethical-juridical area of the Department revolve around the Research Center Meletes — Medicine, Ethics, Law, Environment, Technology and Society. They focus on the multifold impact of new technologies, especially in the medical field: biomedical robotics, medical AI, and the therapeutical use of biotechnologies (precision medicine, bioengineering, regenerative medicine). However, in doing so it does neglect other topics inextricably bound to them, notably: • The question of governance and regulation, with a focus on AI and the consequences for the paradigms of juridical autonomy and responsibility. • The social and political impact of new technologies (human rights, respect of human dignity). • The questions of animal experimentation and the efforts to overcome it, and environment. • The radical change in the patient-physician relation due to the progressive introduction of robotic and artificial components. • The need to rethink according to the principles of equity and justice the way resources are allocated to the health sector for care and research purposes.