Argomento | Persone | Descrizione | |
Bioingegneria | |||
Biomedical data processing |
Gloria Menegaz |
Feature extraction and integration from multi-modal data using multi-scale sparse representations for the definition of numerical biomarkers. Pattern recognition and machine learning for medical imaging and behavioral analysis. | |
Multi-modal biomedical image processing |
Gloria Menegaz |
Computer vision and computational intelligence. Segmentation of multi-dimensional multi-modal data and objective validation of the outcomes. | |
Neuroimaging |
Pietro Bontempi Ilaria Boscolo Galazzo Lorenza Brusini Gloria Menegaz Silvia Francesca Storti |
The main activity is in the field of neuroimaging, including structural (diffusion MRI) and functional (EEG, fNIRS, functional MRI) imaging as well as perceptual analysis through cognitive science methods. The goal is to gain an holistic view of human brain when inspected in specific conditions by the integration of multi-modal multi-scale probing and modeling. In addition, advanced computer vision and pattern recognition methods are employed for designing numerical biomarkers for the characterization of healthy and pathological conditions. | |
Neuroimaging Data Analysis |
Silvia Francesca Storti |
This domain regards the analysis of data coming from sensing devices measuring the brain strucural and functional information. The main utilised device is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in its various modalities such as diffusion, structural, and functional MRI, as well as other sensors like EEG, fNIRS, MEG. The main goal is to better understanding brain functions by means of an integrated functional and structural analysis of the brain connectivity or of specific brain regions. This investigation is mainly performed with reference to neurological disorders - like autism and schizophrenia - and in comparison with control (healthy) subjects. | |
Sparse signal processing |
Gloria Menegaz |
Sparse multi-resolution representations for analysis and modeling of biological signals including diffusion MRI and EEG. |
Nome | Descrizione | URL |
Bioingegneria | ||
Biomedical Imaging | Tecniche di Imaging sperimentali e traslazionali principalmente sulle tecniche di Imaging a Risonanza Magnetica e Imaging Ottico | |
Neuroimaging Group | ||
Visione, Immagini, Pattern e Segnali (VIPS) | Le attività del gruppo VIPS sono rivolte all’analisi, al riconoscimento, alla modellazione e alla predizione di pattern e segnali multidimensionali e multimediali mediante metodi di intelligenza artificiale e apprendimento automatico. Le competenze specifiche e i domini applicativi riguardano: elaborazione delle immagini, visione artificiale, riconoscimento di pattern, interazione uomo-macchina, grafica al calcolatore e modellazione digitale, realtà virtuale e mista, gaming e all’analisi e modellazione di dati in ambito biomedicale e delle neuroscienze a fini di ricerca di base e traslazionale. | |
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