Nicola Daldosso

Foto,  August 23, 2022
Associate Professor
Ingegneria e Fisica
Academic sector
PHYS-03/A - Experimental Physics of Matter and Applications
Research sector (ERC-2024)
PE3_10 - Nanophysics, e.g. nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics

PE3_13 - Structure and dynamics of disordered systems, e.g. soft matter (gels, colloids, liquid crystals), granular matter, liquids, glasses, defects

Research sector (ERC)
PE3_10 - Nanophysics: nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, nanomagnetism, nanoelectromechanics, etc.

PE3_13 - Structure and dynamics of disordered systems: soft matter (gels, colloids, liquid crystals, etc.), glasses, defects, etc.

Ca' Vignal 2,  Floor 2,  Room 10.A  -  Ca' Vignal 2,  Floor -2,  Room 125
+39 045 8027076 - 7828 (laboratorio)
nicola|daldosso*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Ricevimento libero previa comunicazione via mail.
Free upon communication via e-mail.


I principali interessi scientifici riguardano lo studio della struttura e delle proprietà ottiche ed elettroniche di materiali otticamente attivi, principalmente materiali nanostrutturati per ottica integrata e dispositivi micro-fotonici (micro e nano particelle di silicio ed ossidi otticamente attivi). Negli ultimi anni, il focus della ricerca si è spostato verso la funzionalizzazione (chimico/fisica) di nano-sistemi (nano-particelle e materiali micro/nano porosi) ed al loro utilizzo in applicazioni di drug delivery e sensing (NanoMedicina). In particolare, lo studio degli effetti di diverse nano particelle (diversamente funzionalizzati e caricate con farmaci antitumorali e antinfiammatori) sulle cellule (esperimenti in-vitro) nonché delle reazioni immunologiche è oggetto dei recenti sviluppi della ricerca.

Altri progetti di ricerca concernono la caratterizzazione strutturale e la modellizzazione di vetri e materiali ceramici.

Tra le principali competenze tecnico-scientifiche nell'ambito dell'analisi dei materiali:

  • spettroscopia raggi X
  • spettroscopia ottica (assorbimento, fluorescenza e PLE) e vibrazionale (Raman e FTIR)
  • microscopia elettronica (TEM, SEM, AFM, …)


The main scientific interests concern the study of the structure and the optical and electronic properties of optically active materials, mainly nanostructured materials for integrated optics and micro-photonic devices (micro and nano particles of silicon and optically active oxides). In the last years, the focus of the research has moved to the chemical/physical functionalization of nano-systems (nano-particles and micro/nano porous materials) and their use in drug delivery and sensing applications (NanoMedicine). In particular, the study of the effects of different nanoparticles (differently functionalized and loaded with anticancer and anti-inflammatory drugs) on cells (in-vitro experiments) as well as immunological reactions is the subject of recent research developments.

Other research projects concern the structural characterization and modelling of glass and ceramic materials.

Among the main technical-scientific skills in the analysis of materials:

  • X-ray spectroscopy
  • optical (absorption, fluorescence and PLE) and vibrational (Raman and FTIR) spectroscopy
  • electronic microscopy (TEM, SEM, AFM, …)


Modules running in the period selected: 43.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

Course Name Total credits Online Teacher credits Modules offered by this teacher
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2024/2025)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2024/2025)   12  eLearning (Teoria)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Pharmacy Physics with elements of mathematics (2024/2025)   9  eLearning (Matematica)
PhD in Intelligent Systems Engineering Theranostics: from materials to devices (2024/2025)   1  eLearning
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2023/2024)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2023/2024)   12  eLearning (Teoria)
Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Pharmacy Physics with elements of mathematics (2023/2024)   9  eLearning (Matematica)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2022/2023)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2022/2023)   12  eLearning (Teoria)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2021/2022)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2021/2022)   12  eLearning (Teoria)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2020/2021)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2020/2021)   12  eLearning (Teoria)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2019/2020)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2019/2020)   12  eLearning (Teoria di laboratorio)
[2° turno] (Laboratorio)
[1° turno] (Laboratorio)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2018/2019)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2018/2019)   12  eLearning [I° turno] (Esercitazioni)
[II° turno] (Esercitazioni)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2017/2018)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2017/2018)   12  eLearning [Laboratorio - esercitazioni 1° turno] (Laboratorio - Esercitazioni)
[Laboratorio - esercitazioni 2° turno] (Laboratorio - Esercitazioni)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2016/2017)   6  eLearning
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2016/2017)   12  eLearning [Esercitazioni I° turno] (Laboratorio - Esercitazioni)
[Esercitazioni II° turno] (Laboratorio - Esercitazioni)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2015/2016)   6   
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2015/2016)   12    [Laboratorio] (esercitazioni)
[Esercitazioni II] (esercitazioni)
[Esercitazioni I] (esercitazioni)
Master's degree in Mathematics Physics Education Lab (2014/2015)   6    (Teoria 2)
(Teoria 1)
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2014/2015)   12    (Laboratorio)
(Teoria - esercitazioni)
Master's degree in Mathematics Modern physics II (2013/2014)   6    (Teoria 1)
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2013/2014)   12    (Laboratorio)
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2012/2013)   12    (Laboratorio)
Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics Physics I with laboratory (2011/2012)   12    (Laboratorio)

Di seguito sono elencati gli eventi e gli insegnamenti di Terza Missione collegati al docente:

  • Eventi di Terza Missione: eventi di Public Engagement e Formazione Continua.
  • Insegnamenti di Terza Missione: insegnamenti che fanno parte di Corsi di Studio come Corsi di formazione continua, Corsi di perfezionamento e aggiornamento professionale, Corsi di perfezionamento, Master e Scuole di specializzazione.
Research interests
Topic Description Research area
Interactions of matter with particles and radiation Photoluminescence and Fluorescence techniques are used to study the optical and structural properties of matter. In particular, material properties and energy transfer processes are investigated by time-resolved spectroscopy toghether with quantum yield assessment of light emitting materials. Physics Applied to Medicine and Experimental Physics
Fisica Applicata alla Medicina e Fisica Sperimentale
Optical and electronic properties of nano-structured systems Study of the optical and electronic properties of nano-structured systems for opto-electronics and bio-medical applications. Physics Applied to Medicine and Experimental Physics
Fisica Applicata alla Medicina e Fisica Sperimentale
Title Starting date
Experimental test and data analysis of PiGRECO system 10/15/20
SOLSA - Sonic Drilling coupled with Automated Mineralogy and chemistry On-Line-On-Mine-Real-Time 2/1/16
Membrane nanocompositive avanzate ed elettrocatalizzatori innovativi per celle a combustibile ad elettrolita polimerico a lunga durata, NAMED-PEM (PRIN 2010-2011) 2/1/13
